Occupational safety

GRIFS AG is aware of the necessity to keep its business practices, working environment and workplaces in line with the requirements of legal regulatory documents, ensuring working conditions that are safe and not harmful for the health of its employees.

The implementation, compliance and fulfilment of legal requirements in occupational health and safety, electric and fire safety, as well as the corresponding supervision are carried out by distributing the duties and determining the levels of responsibility for each company employee, in accordance with their position.

SIA GRIFS AG occupational safety carries out annual working environment risk assessments, if necessary, sending workers for mandatory medical check-ups, registering mandatory health examination cards in the Mandatory Regular Health Examination Register, investigating and analysing work accidents at the company, inspecting sites, making indicative measurements for lighting and the microclimate, consulting with the employees, involving them in the working environment risk assessments, and training them in occupational safety, which includes fire safety.

All company employees participate in establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment that complies with the legal regulatory documents and the internal regulations of the company. Company employees use all their equipment, work tools and security devices as intended, and in accordance with their operation manuals. Company employees ensure that their work is completed in a safe way, without creating hazards for themselves and other people. Company employees participate in the working environment risk assessment at their workplaces, making suggestions for improving the quality of the working environment.

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